Celebrating five award-winning young people

3 min readJul 20, 2021

The Children’s Society work with lots of amazing young people. Many of them have been through difficult times of their own. They have the power to change the world. And this is exactly what the Diana Awards sets out to highlight. Here are five of the award-winning young people, including members of the YLCSC (Youth Led Commission for Separated Children) and ST4R group (Stand Together for Refugees) who went the extra mile.

Winta, youth change maker

Winta is a part of the ST4R group. She has given her time and voice to improve things for other young refugees. She is passionate and dedicated to change things for other young people.

Not only is she in the midst of trying to adapt to life in a new country, but she is also helping others through that process too. Using her lived experience, she has been able to advise those working with young people to give the best support possible. She has been instrumental in spreading awareness of the needs of young migrants by speaking on webinars, podcasts.

‘Winta encourages others in the group to speak who may be shy or uncomfortable. Her patience and understanding shines through to make it comfortable for others.’ — Diana Awards committee

Musa, youth campaigner

Musa is an inspirational young man. For the past few years, he has worked with the YLCSC on their Guardianship campaign. The campaign is calling for all children who arrive in the UK alone to have a legal guardian. He has raised awareness of the need for a Guardian by sharing his story. Here is a blog he wrote about his journey so far.

Musa, youth campaigner and YLCSC member
Musa, youth campaigner and YLCSC member

‘Musa brings passion, charisma and drive to the Commission’s work’ — Diana Awards committee

Despite studying for a law degree, Musa prioritises the campaign for legal guardians. He is driven, passionate, committed — a true leader.

Elsa, young change maker

Elsa was also one of the original members of ST4R group. Because of the challenges and struggles she has faced, she is determined to make things better for unaccompanied asylum seekers arriving in the UK.

Elsa has improved her English fast, and she now has the confidence to attend events to promote the group and the goals they set. Her inspiring work has gained her recognition with the Youth Parliament and the Care Leavers Council. In fact, local councillors and MPs have been in touch to express their support for the group after seeing Elsa speak.

‘Her determination to achieve the goals she has despite the obstacles she comes up against in society as a young refugee is inspiring’ — Diana Awards committee

The mural Linh helped design
Mural in solidarity with refugees that Linh helped design

Linh, young change maker

Linh is committed and outspoken. She was one of the original members of the youth led ST4R group. She is passionate about what they teach young people in schools, the environment, and the asylum system.

Linh played a big part in designing a survey to find out the views of other young people who have experience with the UK asylum system. She also helped design a mural in solidarity with refugees. It was painted on a canal wall in Leeds.

She has a strong sense of justice and brings a fresh and new perspective on the things that matter to young people.

Taha, youth campaigner

Taha works alongside Musa with the YLCSC. He wants young people to have a legal guardian because he wants to improve the complex and traumatic asylum and immigration process. He is fighting to make things easier so these young people can focus on education and enjoying their lives.

‘If my work can help young people make their life easier, that will be good.’ — Taha, campaigner and Youth-led Commission on Separated Children member




We’re a group of young activists calling on the Government to provide guardians for unaccompanied children seeking asylum in England and Wales.